This post really is not about a whole lot today. I’m not even sure what category to place it in. I suppose it will go in my “pet peeves” category since it’s a bit of a rant. The newest hobby of mine is to make wine. I’ve been making wines…
Excuses, Excuses
Yes, I know it’s been some time. I promise though, that I do have some updates on my progress with my next novel! Always one with excuses, I will lay blame to the holidays and the nasty cold season that seems to be infecting everyone lately including myself. Between those…
Beautiful People Amazon Promotion Announcement!
For those that love a freebie – Beautiful People will be free on the dates 1/2/2013 and 1/3/2013! If you own a Kindle and like free books – please grab a copy. If you enjoy the story, I’d love to get some reviews on my Amazon product page. Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2012All Rights…