Conduit: The Surge – 5/11/22

I can’t believe that the release date for my latest book in the Conduit series is so close now!

This book has been a marathon for me to produce. I first released Conduit: The Beginning in 2012. It was my first book and my baby that helped me to discover that writing is something I enjoyed doing and wanted to continue doing. Life got in the way for me and I had to shelve my project for awhile – but the idea didn’t die. I laid out my plans at the time and came back to my series in 2019 with a goal to push my project forward. Here we are, 2022, and my book is finally shipping out to the world.

Conduit: The Surge is a fast paced and fun walk on the dark side. I’m psyched to see one of my first reviews:

This book was amazing. It had many plot twists and turns and kept me on the edge of my seat. I read it in one sitting and couldn’t put it down. The characters were interesting and well fleshed out and he made you care about them. They were very intriguing. The plot was unique and original and I haven’t read a book like this before. It was well written and I totally recommend it if you want an exciting read that will keep you turning the pages. ” – Amazon Reader

This truly encapsulates what I was aiming for. I am so happy to find others gain enjoyment from the time and effort I put into this story. It was a fun story to write and the series will continue.

As celebration of my release of this story, I am discounting Conduit: The Beginning on 5/11 to .99.

I’m also psyched to say that my discount of Conduit: The Beginning will be featured in my first Bookbub promotion on 5/11.

Conduit The Surge



From the Desk of James Alexander – Issue 13

Sci-Fi and Fantasy Bargains

I hope you are enjoying the summer weather. In Maine, it has been a great spring and early summer. Hopefully the weather continues to behave. As the saying goes about Maine: if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute. Unfortunately, the opposite is true as well.

I continue to collaborate with other authors and have brought to you a curated list of fun fantasy and sci-fi reads: Fantasy and SciFi Bargains. I admittedly have been slacking on reviewing books. I will be picking one out of this list to review for my next issue.


Thank you! .

Conduit: The Surge

Over the past month I’ve been working hard on my upcoming release of Conduit: The Surge on Amazon Vella. This will be a new venture for me and I hope you will follow me as I post my book in serial form.

I also updated my website design. It had become a bit clunky of the years and was in need of a facelift. Check it out here and let me know what you think.

New Facebook Group

Lastly, I am trying to get a new Facebook group off the ground for dark science fiction and fantasy. I found that there are a lot of standard fantasy and sci-fi groups, but nothing related to darker stories in the genres. This group is dedicated to connecting authors and readers to discuss books and anything related to writing. I hope for it to be a fun place to connect and share great reads.

Conduit: The Beginning

Available now on Amazon in both ebook and print!

The Choice

Available in all formats on Amazon. Soon to add availability in stores outside of Amazon including Barnes & Noble.

Future Plans

New Young Adult Series: Planning.

Beautiful People Revisions: In Queue.

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I have established a new group on Facebook for readers and authors who enjoy reading and/or writing dark Sci-Fi and Fantasy.

This group is dedicated to discuss great books and for connecting authors and readers. I hope this to be a fun and engaging group with little promotion. There’s nothing worse than a bunch of spammy ads which I will work to keep limited.

Let’s connect and start some fun discussions about books we love that are on the darker side!

Please sign up here: Dark Sci-Fi and Fantasy.